Crossection/clipping tool

Posted by admin on July 7, 2014 in Unity3d |

Here is a crossection/clipping tool I got published on the AssetStore some time ago. The tool operates on a collection of crosssection shaders which are the counterparts of selected basic Unity3d built-in shaders . The shaders on the object materials get substituted with these shaders and the user can manipulate the shader’s parameters moving the clipping plane.

The shader settings allow for rotation and offset of the clipping plane in relation to the GameObject renderer’s bounds centre.

The toom limitations are that it will work well only on closed and not intersecting meshes.

There is a number of Unity Forum posts and answers, where I took my inspiration from.  Lots of invaluable resources on that can be found through wikibooks.

Here are the example scenes with the usage of crossection tool:
A quick example:

simple setup

An architectural example – horizontal clipping through building:

horizontal house sectionhorizontal house section

A complex general examples on scenes build from free AssetStore assets:
clipping section complex democlipping section complex demo
And a WebGL demo:


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