Day/night switch – unity3d lightmaps switching made simple and easy
I have recently made a research on day/night cycle Unity assets. There are plenty of them both commercial and free. The most interesting and advanced one can be seen on this demo:!/content/5674 and one of the free ones based on runtime shadows and skybox transitions can be found here: However there were […]
Crossection/clipping tool
Here is a crossection/clipping tool I got published on the AssetStore some time ago. The tool operates on a collection of crosssection shaders which are the counterparts of selected basic Unity3d built-in shaders . The shaders on the object materials get substituted with these shaders and the user can manipulate the shader’s parameters moving the […]
Branched tubework editor
This is a demo I made in Unity3d for a purpose of the testing of fluid flow in human organs. A simple tool for creating the geometry was needed. The demo tool I came up with is capable of saving the files in the common 3d formats like .obj or .dae and also outputting it […]
Simple mesh sculptor
This are just a few of assets and two demo scenes looking like a further development of the “Sculpt vertices” scene from Procedural Examples asset from Unity Tech demos. I have just added some tool options and tool gizmo and one step undo function. The tool – object interaction is based on the mesh collider […]