
Here are the examples of walkthroughs and walkarounds aroud architectural objects:

Exhibition stands

A stand build from Maxima system, equipped with color modulated lighting and staffed by a showman

An exposition of bizarre liquids with particle systems and animated lighting


Other exhibition stands


Multilevel experiment with walkthrouhg inside a building

Ehhibition hall with the utility of dynamic placement of exposition plans on the floor


  • Rick Blouin says:


    Pretty cool stuff that you do. I like the material (chrome and glass effect) along with the lighting effects.

    I was wondering if you did anything for realestate with virtual visit over the web or as standalone. Do you know anything or anyone from building residential building from CAD with scripting similar to what Andre Pinto from the unity3d developper discussion group is trying to do.

    I speicalize in virtual tour for transportation sector with configurable inside with animation and flying or ride mode. I just finished a a380 first class cabin.


    • admin says:

      As far as I understand Andre Pinto is trying do something similar to: http://www.lovemyhome.dk. The meshes there are procedural except library items which could be based on CAD.
      Most of the meshes in my experiments come from CAD and generally require some processing in 3d application, before importing into Unity.

      Have look at my configuration experiments: https://virtualplayground.d2.pl/WP/?p=254 . Configuration options include textures selection based on the defined pallettes or user textures from local file system.


  • Aravindhan says:

    Hai, Kinldy send your email id, I would like to speake with you regading your crosssection asset

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