An artistic 3d vision of faculty logo

Posted by admin on February 2, 2013 in Unity3d |

I got recently asked by a friend to create a 3d vision of Faculty of Physics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, PL to be laser engraved  inside a glass cuboid. This is just an artistic form of the boron atom. It has to be artistic and as close as possible to the scientific model.  Here it is:Faculty of Physics logoThen I just could not resist a temptation to animate the electrones on their orbits.  You can use the top left button to controll the animation.

The animation trails use Unity3d trail renderer and the static trails – made of the alpha-mapped mesh for the purpose of engraving are switched off for the time of animation.

I just can not wait to see that engraved in glass and I am going to publish the picture of that engraved once I get it.

The order has been already placed, so I could get rid of the transparent block of glass block and the choice of shaders and effects for use outside the glass  is not limited. Click on the picture below to open the WebPlayer.


And here are the screenshots:


And ones with TrailRenderer on:


And ones with camera MotionBlurr on:


And ones with ParticleSystems:



And al last it comes. Pictures and video taken in a quite rudimentary conditions in the hotel. The tradesmen had ordered the data to be delivered in the .obj format and they had got it that way. Apparently were not able to imitate the diverse colour intensities and alpha-textures on the orbit toruses which I was hoping.

Here is a video.

[jwplayer mediaid=”491″]

[nggallery id=6]


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