My Unity3d experiments
A walkthrough navigation example
Here is an example of a myth style kids game environmnent. There are two navigation modes embedded in. One is a walk mode and the other is an orbit mode. You can switch between them by double clicking the in the game window. The other choice is the way of mouse interaction which is set here to MouseDrag as default and can be switched to MouseMove by clicking the “hand” icon at the bottom left corner.

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Great work! How were you able to get around the unity loading bar? Also really like the various options for control.
I haven’t got around that, in fact. I have just made it short by adding a loading level in the way like it is commonly done in Flash.
Now that’s sutbel! Great to hear from you.
marcelo de carvalho ribeiro / Temos que lembrar sempre dos nosso combatentes, parabéns ao RAN por esta iniciativa, que outras OMS façam a mesma coisa.